CAD4COVID-XRay and CAD4COVID-CT are CE certified

June 11th, 2020

Today, June 10th 2020, our Notified Body has granted CE certifications for both our CAD4COVID-CT and CAD4COVID-XRay solutions. Both have been granted Class II CE certifications, meaning they can officially be used as tools to aid in the interpretation of imaging COVID-19. The CE (0344) approval will help to further support the roll-out of both solutions, which will continue to be available free-of-charge to support healthcare facilities globally to face the pandemic.

Since it’s launch, CAD4COVID-XRay has been made available to over 35 facilities, across 20+ countries and CAD4COVID-CT to 20+ facilities across more than 10 countries. We’d like to thank our partners, like HTMedica, RVO, Jeroen Bosch ziekenhuis, RadboudUMC, Universitas Indonesia and more, for their continuous support.

If you’re interested in learning more about CAD4COVID or how different healthcare facilities are using the software, take a look at:



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