Update from Thirona
Worldwide the COVID-19 situation has only worsened and new mutations of the virus have developed which are now spreading globally. Here in the Netherlands, a strict lockdown has started since December 15th and currently we have a curfew as well. This proves that there is still need for quick and proper identification of suspected COVID-19 cases and therefore, we have not been sitting idly by.
You might have seen on our socials and website that we have hired 5 people over the last 3 months and are still looking for more people to join our team. We have also received grants from the European Union to further develop CAD4COVID. Much of our development is now going into further improving CAD4COVID to make it better and more reliable.
Another step we are taking is trying to integrate CAD4COVID in the workflow of other hospitals and businesses. We already have a partnership with Smart Reporting in which CAD4COVID is combined with the reporting format of Smart Reporting (see here for more info: https://smartcad.smartest-reporting.com/). Also hospitals, like the Canisius Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis (CWZ) in our native Nijmegen has CAD4COVID integrated in their workflow so a diagnosis can be made more quickly. We will keep working to better bridge the gap between medical image analysis and clinical useability.