Comprehensive assessment of parenchymal abnormalities

​Parenchyma suite of AI-based LungQ® platform for analysis of lung images consists of an extended portfolio of measurements for precise quantification of parenchymal texture patterns on a lobar, segmental and sub-segmental level, including trapped air, low attenuation, lung density, fissure completeness, lung parenchyma volume, and more.

Lung parenchyma is intertwined with the bronchial and pulmonary vascular systems. A partially diseased lung typically causes an obstruction, leading to less ventilation at the parenchymal level, subsequently resulting in a reduction of perfusion to the diseased region.

Having the ability to combine parenchymal measurements with bronchial and vascular analysis (e.g. lung density and morphology of blood vessels, or segmentation of airway abnormalities within the lung parenchyma) we can provide comprehensive assessments to support physicians in evaluating multiple diseases such as pulmonary hypertension, bronchiectasis or mucolytic airway obstruction, and other conditions.

Selection of Thirona's major proprietary parenchymal measurements

Ventilation estimation of small airways (VERA)

VERA combines inspiratory and expiratory scans to automatically detect and quantify  areas of hypo-ventilated and/or hypo-perfused lung volume. The power of this algorithm involves the ability to indirectly assess obstructive changes within the small non-visible airways.

Approximated chronic perfusion defect analysis (PXT)

PXT combines the information on parenchymal tissue with the pulmonary vasculature on CT and non-contrast CT. Providing automatic quantification of chronic perfusion defect estimation, PXT is a unique alternative to the SPECT-CT scan for chronic perfusion defect estimation.

Precision medicine applications

The automatic analyses of thoracic CT scans with Artificial Intelligence enable an accurate identification and precise quantification of abnormalities in the lung tissue such as emphysema, interstitial changes, pulmonary nodules and more, enabling localized treatment of lung cancer, COPD, ILD, bronchiectasis and other diseases.

Validation studies and publications

Ongoing external validation studies play a vital role in assessing the ability of our algorithms to perform consistently across diverse patient populations. See below a selection of research studies and publications that speak toward the robustness and clinical applicability of Thirona's parenchymal analysis.


    • Children with severe asthma have substantial structural airway changes on computed tomography | Aug 2023 | ERJ Open Research
    • Automatic and Manual Quantification of Small Airways Disease on Chest CT of Children With Severe Asthma | May 2023 | American Thoracic Society


    • Dysanapsis is differentially related to lung function trajectories with distinct structural and functional patterns in COPD and variable risk for adverse outcomes | Jan 2024 | The Lancet
    • Baseline characteristics from a 3-year longitudinal study to phenotype subjects with COPD: the FOOTPRINTS study | Nov 2023 | Respiratory Research
    • CT-based diaphragm analysis to evaluate the diaphragm configuration with increasing COPD severity | Oct 2023 | European Respiratory Journal
    • Computed Tomography-based Airway Surface Area-to-Volume Ratio for Phenotyping Airway Remodeling in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | Jan 2021 | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
    • Five-year Progression of Emphysema and Air Trapping at CT in Smokers with and Those without Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Results from the COPDGene Study | Apr 2020 | Rad

Cystic Fibrosis

    • Fully Automatic Assessment of Bronchus-Artery Dimensions and Ratios, Mucus Plugs, and Low Attenuation Regions in Cystic Fibrosis Patients Before and After Elexacaftor-Tezacaftor-Ivacaftor | May 2024 | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine


    • The spectrum of structural lung changes in bronchiectasis: Analysis of 524 EMBARC CTs. | Oct 2023 | European Respiratory Journal
    • The relationship between chest CT scoring, aetiology and severity of disease in Bronchiectasis: an EMBARC analysis | Oct 2023 | European Respiratory Journal


    • Development of a quantitative CT-based diaphragm tool in severe COPD patients treated with one-way endobronchial valves | May 2023 | American Thoracic Society
    • High-Resolution Computed Tomography-approximated Perfusion Is Comparable to Nuclear Perfusion Imaging in Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | May 2023 | American Thoracic Society
    • Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence for 3-dimensional Planning of Lung Segmentectomies | Jun 2021 | JTCVS Techniques
    • Endobronchial valves for severe emphysema | Jun 2019 | European Respiratory Review
    • Predictors of Response to Endobronchial Coil Therapy in Patients With Advanced Emphysema | Feb 2019 | Chest